Strengthen, Unite, Reach, Galvanize, Empower!
A model in which small groups carry out all of God’s biblically mandated purposes of the church.
Purposes are:
· Evangelism
· Discipleship
· Fellowship
· Ministry/Missions
· Worship
SURGE HOUR - a growth-oriented Church School.
· Focuses on growing God’s kingdom.
· Emphasizes seeking and saving the lost, growing them into Christ-like disciples and sending them out to make more disciples.
Adult class remains at 9:30am
Youth classes - during Worship Service at 10:55am
FREE brown bag lunch provided!
Inviting everyone to attend Church School SURGE HOUR. Bring a friend!
The purpose of the Lay Organization is to organize and train the lay members of the A.M.E. Church, so that each member may utilize to the maximum the abilities and skills granted by God, in assisting with the improvement and extension of God's kingdom, and creating happiness, peace and harmony among its members.
The Rose Bell Women's Missionary Society:
Witness -Participate in the ministry of the organization beyond its congregation(s), know its community and partner with agencies to provide needed service to the community;
Advocate - Urge change in systems and structures which exclude and alienate, and work for peace and justice in the community;
Membership - Encourage, recruit, affirm and motivate non-member women of all ages, to participate in its Unit, providing an intergeneration of caring women;
Educate - Provide opportunities for worship and study; and
Stewardship –Support financially the total program of the Women’s Missionary Society
Young People’s and Children’s Division
Women's Missionary Society
The Purpose of the organization shall be to:
a. Provide meaningful resources, training and guidance in all areas of church life which encourage full participation in the mission programs and activities of the entire church and this organization.
b. Provide specific training in Evangelism, Christian Social Relations and Education programs designed to increase knowledge of the African Methodist Episcopal Church History and the Scriptures.
c. Facilitate and support opportunities for leadership experiences in the church and society.
d. Enable growth in stewardship in the church.
e. Advocate for the integrity of childhood and the dignity of all children and youth in our religious, civic and political structures;
f. Create linkages, establish work synergies and devise schedules to effectively implement and administer meaningful programs and activities for all levels and units of organization, and
g. Foster a community, in which children, youth and young adults know each other by name, minister to each other and partner in servicing and witnessing for Jesus Christ.
(Young People’s and Children’s Division Women’s Missionary Society
African Methodist Episcopal Church
Connectional Bylaws
Article II Pg. 48)
Motto: “Grow, Glow, and Go for Christ”
Mission Statement: As a unfiled body with Christ-like qualities, we will build a Connectional bond that demonstrates pride through education, communication and mission work.
Mother Sunbeams (2-6)
Allen Stars (7-12)
YPA [Young People’s Auxiliary] (13-17)
YAD [Young Adult Division] (18-26)
The YPD meet on the Public School calendar every Friday evening at 6:30 pm.
The current Praise Team came together in 2014. The team is comprised of a group of committed Christians with a desire to worship and praise God.
It is our prayer and our hearts desire that everyone who is ministered to will be encouraged to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. We pray that those whom the Lord touches through this ministry will let Jesus Christ in their hearts and be drawn closer to him.
We are a group of committed Christians saved by grace, who love to Praise and Worship God and minister to His people. We believe that sharing our gifts is an act of stewardship, so we rejoice at every opportunity to serve God in this capacity and give Him honor and glory.
We specialize in a variety of gospel music styles and take seriously the mandate to spread the gospel and as such we have ministered at concerts and special functions throughout the Island and overseas.
This ministry is not just about leading worship for the congregation, but to elevate the spiritual life of the people of God through our celebration of the goodness of our God in our lives and the life of our community.
The Food Pantry is run by Rose Bell Women's Missionary Society and provides non- perishable items for families and individuals in need.